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A Tale of "Murder" in East Nissouri: What Happened to Mr. Gleason?

A Tale of "Murder" in East Nissouri: What Happened to Mr. Gleason?

By Liz Dommasch, Archivist

The following story has all the makings of a Netflix crime series: an eccentric wealthy farmer disappears without a trace with a large sum of money; two strangers noted in the vicinity, a gunshot said to be heard, and various other sightings of the missing man as far away as Thorndale and London, Ontario. What happened to Reuben Gleason? Was it murder or just sensational rumours and false conclusions? Let’s find out…

Reuben Gleason - shared by Lorraine McFaddin on Ancestry 


Reuben Gleason was born in Hubbardston, Massachusetts, United States on August 19, 1793. In 1812, he married Elizabeth (Betsy) Brown in Plattsburgh, New York and a year later is noted in the records as serving in the New York State Militia during the War of 1812.  By 1851, he is listed in the Canadian Census as residing East Nissouri Township with his wife and children, ranging in age from thirty-five to seven. As the years passed, the family prospered on their farm on Lot 28, Concession 10 near Medina, Ontario, and soon a number of his sons were farming on neighbouring land. 

1876 Oxford County Atlas – map of East Nissouri Township showing Gleason properties 


On an evening in 1859, the village and neighbourhood was said to be thrown into a state of intense excitement by the disappearance and presumed murder of Mr. Reuben Gleason, an old, wealthy, and respected farmer of East Nissouri, as noted by the St. Marys Argus newspaper. On the Wednesday of the previous week it was said Mr. Gleason left his own house, on the 10th concession, to come to St. Marys for the purpose of paying for a property which he had purchased a few days before. It was also said to be known that he had on his person, when he left, at least $500, which would have been a substantial sum at the time.

Not having made his appearance at home that night his family became alarmed for his safety and the next day they sent to town to obtain news of him, and learned that he had not been seen there for several days. They began to suspect that he had been murdered on his way to St. Marys for the money in his possession and shared those suspicions with a number of people in the town. This led to a search party being organized and the woods being scoured in all directions throughout the night, and through a pelting rainstorm, without success.

From what could be gathered, it appeared that Mr. Gleason did indeed start out to the village as planned Wednesday as he was seen by George Willis on the 10th concession walking towards the village alone, and then a short time afterwards with two unknown men. A Mr. Tait, who lived a few lots further along, also noted him passing with the two men. However, a Mr. Job Whaley of St. Marys, while travelling the same road, did not come across any of the three men. Adding to the suspicion, Mrs. Brown who lives near the village claims to have heard a gunshot about the time Mr. Gleason and the two men were seen together. 

What makes the story even more confusing though, is Mrs. Lilliwhite, who lived on Lot 30, Concession 10, was confident Mr. Gleason called at her house, where he got a drink of water, and said he was going to the village, while another report is said he took dinner the same day at a friend’s house, within six miles of London. He was afterwards said to have been seen at the Strong’s Hotel on Dundas Street, in downtown London. With these solid witness statements, it was clearly established that Mr. Gleason had not been murdered, but was “merely keeping out of the way for purposes of his own”. It was also later revealed that Mr. Gleason was somewhat of an eccentric and had two years previously left his home with a large amount of money which he intended to loan upon a mortgage. However, he soon discovered the investment was unsafe and he sulked off with neither his family nor those parties involved with the planned business transaction hearing from him.

The St. Mary Argus, later updated their article to note that Mr. Gleason had turned up! He arrived at the Thorndale Station apparently in sound mind and good health. Turns out he had taken a short trip to the United States without informing his family or friends of his planned destination. 

1878 Middlesex Atlas – map of Thorndale showing GTR station 


According to Reuben Gleason, neither Willis nor Tait could have seen him Wednesday on the 10th Concession as he wasn’t there. He did call on Mrs. Lilliwhite to get a drink before walking to Thorndale station to take the cars to London. However, he arrived in the village too late to make it to London so he went to a Mr. Barter’s for dinner before walking into the city. There he spent the night at Strong’s Hotel, as witnessed, before taking the train Detroit.

Advertisement for the Strong’s Hotel, London – City of London Directory, 1856 pg. 191. Courtesy of Arthur McClelland, Ivy Family London Room, London Public Library. 


Thus, the mystery of the missing Mr. Gleason was solved, though I imagine he got an ear full from his wife for disappearing like he did! Reuben Gleason would eventually pass away on April 18th, 1879 at the age of eighty-five and is buried in the Lakeside Cemetery. There is no record, of him making any further hasty departures. 

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