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Spanish Flu Christmas Dinner Menu

Spanish Flu Christmas Dinner Menu

Thinking of adding some new recipes to your Christmas dinner this year? Try out one of these Spanish Flu era recipes!

By Liz Dommasch, County Archivist


Currant Wine – To every gallon of juice add 1 of water, and 7 pounds of sugar. Let it remain in vessel securely covered for 3 weeks. Skimming every other day, then jug and seal.


Split Pea Soup – Soak peas overnight, put on to boil. Take one onion, one carrot slice, one slice thick bacon, one slice turnip. Fry in a little butter until brown, add to peas and boil. Strain.

Salad – 4 lettuce leaves, 4 stalks celery, 2 apples, 1 very small carrot, 1 very small beat, 1 dozen English walnuts, 1 dozen almonds, 2 dates, 2 teaspoons sugar; put through grinder, serve with lemon juice.


Roast Turkey, Oyster Filler – Select Turkey weighing from 10 to 12 lbs., draw and rinse it out with several waters. Make a dressing of 1 quart stale bread chopped fine, 2 eggs, 3 tablespoons butter, 1 teaspoon sage, 1 pint small oysters or large ones chopped into small pieces. Stuff body of breast with dressing, sew up, rub turkey over with butter, salt and pepper, put in covered roasting pan with about 1 cup soup stock.

Good Mashed Potatoes – Boil desired quantity of potatoes until well done, then drain well, mash thoroughly, season with salt add sufficient hot (not cold) milk and a generous piece of butter, beat all together until of a creaming appearance, keep warm, best to serve at once.

French Peas and Carrots – Select small carrots, boil in water until tender; mix 1 can of peas with carrots. Make a cream sauce of butter and thicken with flour, add a little milk and butter and season with pepper, salt and parsley. Before serving add ½ cup cream.


Mince Meat – 1 tongue, 1 pound raisins, 1 pound currants, 1 pound suet, 4 pounds apples, ½ pound citron peel, 1 pound brown sugar, 1 quart brandy, 1 quart cider, 1 ounce allspice, 1 ounce cinnamon, 3 nutmegs, 2 teaspoons mace, 1 lemons and 4 oranges.

Soldiers’ Fruit Cake – ½ cup butter, ½ cup brown sugar, 3 eggs, ½ cup sour milk, ½ cup molasses, 2 cups flour, 1 teaspoon soda (dissolved in hot water), 1 cup fruit (raisins, currants or dates), 1 cup nuts chopped, 1 teaspoon spice. Cover top with brown sugar and ½ cup chopped nuts before baking. This serves as icing.

Recipes: Woodstock Cook Book. The Ladies of St. Mary’s Church, 1917.

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