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The 72nd Warden: Andrew Baechler

The 72nd Warden: Andrew Baechler

In celebration of the new County Council and Warden exhibit, our Archivist discusses the life of the 72nd Warden, Andrew Baechler.

By Liz Dommasch, ArchivistA portrait of County Warden Andrew Baechler. He is wearing a dark suit and tie and a white button down shirt.

In honour of our new online exhibit, I thought it might be interesting to look back at the life of Andrew Baechler, Oxford County’s 72nd Warden.

Andrew Baechler was born in South Easthope Township on October 3rd, 1874 to Joseph S. Baechler and Anna Zehr. In 1896, Andrew Baechler and his family moved to East Zorra Township where that same year he married Susanna Sommer at the 16th Line Church. A year later, Andrew and Susanna moved to Tavistock.

His interest in horses led to Andrew starting a drover business, which hauled cement from St. Marys and coal from the rail siding. In 1909, Andrew was named Road Commissioner by the Tavistock Village Council. This appointment lasted until 1914. In 1910, Andrew purchased the Staebler Implement Agency and the buildings on the south side of Woodstock St. to supplement his income from weekly shipments of cattle and hogs to the Toronto market. In 1927, he became the agent along with his son Joseph for the Ford Motor Company.

Andrew Baechler was quite active in politics in the County of Oxford. He began his political career as a Councillor in Tavistock (1911-1913). During those years, he was appointed to the Water Commission in Tavistock and was appointed to a committee to review the Hydro Electric Companies. Between the years 1918-1923, Andrew served as Reeve of Tavistock and was the town’s representative on the Oxford Council. In 1922, he was elected Warden of the County of Oxford. After five years, he re-entered politics and for eight continuous years (1927-1934) he was elected and returned as Reeve of Tavistock.

A photo of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Baechler. They are more mature in age, and are sitting in wooden rocking chairs at the side of a house covered in foliage.

A portrait of Andrew Baechler and his wife Susanna.


After leaving politics in 1934, he was appointed Superintendent for Highway 19 from Tavistock to Hickson and Highway 97 from Hickson to Washington. He also served as a member of the Tavistock Public Utilities Commission from 1933 until 1943, when ill health forced his retirement.

Andrew Baechler also contributed to the formation of the Oxford County Ex-Warden’s Association in 1933 and was a member of the executive from 1935-1943. He served as Vice-President from 1943 until his death on June 22nd, 1945. He is buried in Grace United Cemetery, in Tavistock, Ontario.

Memoriam card for Andrew Baechler. Reads:


For more information on the County’s Wardens (1850-present), please visit the Oxford County Archives website:

Photographs from the Archives' collection of County Warden portraits, and the Baechler Family Fonds [COA18].

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