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What Was Life Like for Early Settlers in Oxford County?

What Was Life Like for Early Settlers in Oxford County?

The Oxford County Archives has a new online interactive story about the life of early settlers in Oxford County!

By Megan Lockhart, Archives Technician

Have you ever wondered what it would have been like living in Oxford County as an early settler? We certainly have! Now we have an online interactive story that takes you through the choices an early settler would have to make and the challenges they faced while starting their homesteads. It is a pioneer “choose your own adventure” story!

The online program follows the life of a Scottish immigrant and his family settling in Oxford County in the 1850s. The interactive story fits well into the Grade 3 social studies curriculum for “Communities in Canada: 1780 – 1850”. The program allows students to take on the role of homesteader and discover through their own choices how different life was for farmers, pioneer women, and children. Students will learn how early settlers built their homes, barns and how they grew crops and raised animals. They will also discover the different responsibilities children had on early farms.

For the 2020-2021 school year we will be offering a range of new online and virtual programming for teachers and students. Our “Pioneer Life in Oxford County” program is available on the educational page on our website in the “students” resource section. Stay tuned to our blog for updates on new services and programs in the coming months.

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