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Our research facilities

The Oxford County Archives provides visitors a space with free public wifi for research within our reference library. Our library collection is publicly accessible and includes publications on the general history of Oxford County and specific subjects relating to local history. Other resources include early marriage, birth and death registers, atlases, County maps, poll books, voter’s lists and the “Woodstock Daily Sentinel-Review” newspaper on microfilm. A microfilm reader and printer is available to view records on microfilm. Additional resources within the archives’ collections must be requested and retrieved by staff. 

Research online

Visit our Online Resources page to access a variety of archival records, transcriptions, and indexes available to view virtually.

Types of records

The Oxford County Archives provides access to a variety of valuable resources applicable to all types of research including genealogy/family history; property history; academic research; specific topics in local history; the cultural, social, economic, political, legal and administrative history of Oxford County. Below is a selection of the types of records available at the archives:

  • Artwork - County Warden portraits, collections of artwork by local artists
  • Architectural plans, maps, and engineer drawings
  • Birth, marriage, death registers
  • Business/corporate records - correspondence, sales receipts, marketing material, financial ledgers, account books, etc.
  • Church and cemetery records
  • Community records - relating to the general history of the communities within Oxford County.
  • Genealogical & personal records - family/personal records and collections (postcards, greetings cards, correspondence, journals, books, family trees, scrapbooks, etc.)
  • Government records - administrative, fiscal, legal and historical records relating to Oxford County (1850 - present) and its predecessor the District of Brock (1842-1849), and local area municipalities
  • Local newspapers
  • Military records
  • Organization/institutional records - newsletters, scrapbooks, meeting minutes, posters, brochures, etc.
  • Photographs, negatives, and audio-visual material
  • Property records - maps, land deeds, tax assessment rolls
  • School records - photo albums, trophies, certificates and yearbooks
  • Voters’ lists and poll books
  • Website content - social media/web images, videos, and text

Research tips

  • Contact us ahead of time - Scheduling an appointment allows our archivists time to process your request, find what you need and retrieve the required records. This also saves you a trip to the Archives if the records you are looking for are inaccessible or located elsewhere.
  • Bring what you know - Bringing any information you can provide about your research topic, i.e. names, dates, addresses, etc., will help our archivists help you and create a more efficient and effective research experience for everyone involved.
  • Bring a notebook and pencil or a laptop - You will likely be taking notes during your visit to the Archives so a notepad will be useful! We ask that all visitors please use a pencil rather than writing utensils with ink in order to protect our records. Or you are welcome to bring your laptop or tablet as we have free public wifi.
  • Have you checked online? - While most archives stress to always check the sources and accuracy of any information you read online, it can be beneficial to do a preliminary Google search about the topic you are researching before visiting an archives. Many useful records such as the Canadian Census, military records and maps have been digitized by other libraries and archives and made available online.
  • Take some pictures - We allow researchers to take photographs of most records using their own camera, there are some restrictions due to copyright and privacy legislation. It can be useful to take photos of records so you can study them further at home. We can also photocopy or scan records to make a digital copy for a fee.

archive room with bookshelves and table and chairs


Researchers are required to book an appointment to visit the archives, and we ask for at least 48 hours notice before you would like to visit. Booking an appointment ensures that all of our resources are available, including staff.

Providing archives staff with your research request before you arrive also allows time for staff to retrieve the appropriate records and ensure that all of our resources have been searched through thoroughly prior to your visit. This guarantees a positive research experience for both our patrons and our staff.

Booking an appointment

To book a research appointment please contact the Oxford County Archives using the contact information below:

Online Form: Research Request
Telephone: 519-539-9800 x3071

Handling records

Due to the unique and irreplaceable nature of archival records, strict handling polices are enforced. Researchers will be asked to wash their hands before handling primary source records, and may be provided with vinyl gloves depending on the types of records being handled. Archives staff reserve the right to restrict access to original documents, where microfilm or other facsimile exists, and to fragile documents.

I want to...

Oxford County

21 Reeve Street, P.O Box
1614, Woodstock, Ontario
N4S 7Y3

Tel: 519-539-9800
Fax: 519-537-1053

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Office Hours:
Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
(open during lunch)

For an emergency outside of regular hours, please call 1-800-755-0394 and listen for instructions for after-hours emergency calls.

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