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Township by-laws

historic by-laws

Historic by-laws

By-laws are used to implement Council decisions and may have the effect of authorizing expenditures, issuing of debentures, entering into agreements, or setting policy.

Generally, by-laws must be:

  • signed both by the head of council or presiding officer of the meeting at which the by-law was passed and by the clerk
  • under the seal of the corporation

Additional requirements may apply before a by-law can be passed, such as holding a public meeting, giving public notice, or obtaining the approval of a provincial ministry or board.

These historic by-laws provide a glimpse into the history of the District of Brock (1842-1849) and the histories of various townships within Oxford County prior to restructuring (1850-1975). The Archives' collection currently includes by-laws for the following: Blandford Township, Blenheim Township, Dereham Township, East Nissouri Township, East Zorra Township, Embro, North Oxford Township, Tavistock, Thamesford, and West Zorra Township.

For more information, or for access to the originals, please contact Archives staff. Please note: access to some of these records may be restricted due to conservation/preservation concerns.


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