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Online Resources

Black History in Oxford County

Offensive Language Warning: Some of the historical archival records included in this resource for educational purposes contain the offensive term "coloured" in reference to Black individuals. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the term "coloured" was adopted by Black people emancipated from slavery in the United States as a "term of racial pride" after the Civil War. Since then, the preferred term of the Black community for self-designation has changed to "People of Colour" or "Black". Use of the term "coloured" is generally no longer considered appropriate.


Education Package - Black History in Oxford County


Large Poster - Black History in Oxford County


Posters: Black History in Oxford County - Residents and Buildings


Canadian & World Studies: Grades 10-12

Second World War Archival Documents

Content Warning: Photographs in the "Dieppe Raid Documents" contain graphic images depicting violence and death.

The materials in these resource packages are meant to be used by educators for educational purposes. Students should be encouraged to critically analyze the archival records, determining the significance of the diversity of narratives on the events of the war, and the impacts such narratives would have had historically. As these are historical primary sources, it's important to note that the language used towards, and the representation of certain people can be prejudiced, racist, and sexist. Educators are strongly encouraged to ensure students using these resources are aware of this. Through critical thinking, students should determine the biased point of view of the record creators, the agenda behind the creation of the records, how these records were used and for what purpose, and if all of the information included in the records is factual or propagandistic in nature.

Dieppe Raid Documents

Economy During and After The War

News Articles: Japanese-Canadians

News Articles: Quebec Opposes Participation 

Propaganda & Victory Bonds


Photographs of Soldiers in Uniform

Photographs: Women at War

Woodstock Advanced Driving & Maintenance School

Woodstock During the War Years

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